Friday, November 13, 2009

My Freshman Year - Blog #11

First off, I would like to say I was not sure how much I would enjoy this book since the assignment was not that appealing to me. Once I started reading the book however, I had a hard time putting it down. I found the information Rebecca gathered fascinating and I give her credit to be willing to go back to college as a freshman when she was in her 50’s. I know I would not have enough if me to follow-through with such an ambitious study. Her comments related to her experience during orientation, welcome week, and even life in the dorms was interesting. I have never lived in the dorms, but feel I now have a little taste of what freshman dorm life is all about. I will focus the rest of my blog on answering the questions posed by Dr. Platt.

What was the most surprising aspect of the book?
I was most surprised and somewhat concerned with the lack of community Rebecca noticed at AnyU. As mentioned in the book, and what I witnessed as an employee and student at NDSU, college presidents preach “we are a community” referencing the campus as a “family” . As the book mentioned on page 43, is this done to help retain freshman as paying students? I would like to think this is true in many universities (if not all universities), especially in these economic times. But are we really a community? There are many “communities” on campus, but as the book mentioned, they center around choice and freedom. The college culture to many students means to keep your real life private and inside, certainly behind closed doors. The book mentioned how often times small groups of students would meet in door rooms “behind closed doors” even through it was recommended that doors be open unless a student is studying or sleeping. The book mentioned how often times, hall mates were like “ships in that passed in the night. Students tend to be more private instead of living life in more public areas. I found it interesting that students would often choose to socialize in smaller groups and in areas not typically open to the public (dorm room verses the common lounge area). Even during movie night or Super Bowl Sunday, people would choose to watch in smaller groups than in large groups. I liked in the book where it mentioned that students generally want to have a close community, while at the same time, they resist the claims that community makes on their schedule. I thought that most students (but not all) would enjoy larger group events.

One thing I was not surprised about was the lack of knowledge faculty and staff had regarding services and organizations for students. I know this was even brought up in COMM 702 regarding services (such as counseling services) and how people do not know they exist. It just seems like to me that even faculty and staff are so focused on their own areas that most people do not venture out to see what is offered for students at their universities. I feel it is important to know what services are available to students so faculty and staff can make appropriate referrals to the student health service, counseling service, disability services, and even where to go for tutor help.

I was not surprised by the author’s reference to American students being disrespectful. Mandatory is mandatory. When there is a mandatory hall meeting, everyone needs to be there. Most often this was not the case. I found this to be true when I worked at NDSU, and students would sign up for a program that I was leading, and often times more than half would not show up. Even “pizza” and other goodies would not entice students to show up. Nathan, mentioned that rules that were developed during these dorm meetings were not followed long after they were initiated. Eating, sleeping and leaving class early were examples that were witness then Rebecca was at AnyU.

Lastly, I liked the area in the book titled, “Who Eats with Whom: A study of Student Dining”. When tracking almost 1,500 examples of dining behavior, the author found an overall lack of diversity. For example, only 10 percent of white men and 14 percent of white women ate at a table where there was anyone of a different color from themselves. I thought at an institution of higher learning, people would "break bread" with people from different cultures. In contrast, 68 percent of women and 58 percent of men ate with mixed groups. Why is that? I am wondering if it is because many minority students tend to spend more time in larger groups and learn to “tolerate” or appreciate different people’s opinions, ideas, and cultures. In other countries when it is time for lunch, everyone goes together. When someone asks “how are you”, people tend to give an honest answer. The book mentioned that when some minority people give out their number to an American student, often times they do not call or are “we are roommate, nothing else”. Many of the minority students would choose to eat alone or in their rooms, maybe in fear to invade the “white space” our society has created. I find this to be concerning.

What advice would I give to new college instructors?
My Freshman Year has brought to my attention a variety of things I could share with a new college instructor. Overall, I would remind them that students today are different than when we were in college. Students are busier than ever with school, work, and all the groups they are associated with. It is important to space assignments out and to keep in mind that many students have other classes to prepare for.

Another piece of advice would be to break up students into groups rather than having them break up in their own groups. It is important that students learn to appreciate differences in group members. If students choose their own groups, I wonder if minority students would continue to be in the same groups, or be “left out”.

Be sure the syllabus is clear and detailed since it is (as the book puts it) somewhat of a contract so students know what to expect. Policies related to eating, sleeping, and grading could/should all be included in the syllabus.

Has this book changed your perspective on undergraduate students?
I think the book has changed my perspective of college students slightly. I have worked at NDSU for four years, currently a graduate student, and taught a class less than a year ago. The book helped me obtain a slightly “clearer picture” of today’s undergraduate students. I also need to continue to keep in mind that each person is unique and might not fall into the stereotype or same behaviors described in the book. When students do not attempt to learn about different cultures and “communities, they are missing out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blog Entry #10

Using Existing Knowledge - Before reading this section in McKeachie, I never realized that instructors find it more difficult to teach introductory courses to students that teaching more advanced courses due to lack of prior knowledge. This totally makes sense. This helped me realize it is important to assess student knowledge in upper level courses early on during the semester. I am going to assess students prior knowledge during the first day of class. This will be considered a "pre-test". The results will help me identify as an instructor what areas to focus on during the semester. At the end of the class, I would like to have students complete a "post-test" to assess learning. Thomas Angelo and Patricia Cross gave excellent examples of how to assess college students. The Background Knowledge Probe is located at:

Teaching Learning Strategies - McKeachie mentioned that different disciplines have different ways to approach and solve problems. This really hit home to me when I started my PhD Program. The Human Development Program focuses a great deal of attention on the interdisciplinary approaches to Human Development. Many of the courses I have taken had wellness, gerontology, and counseling students. It was interesting how McKeachie was correct when stating that different disciplines have different ways to approach problems. In many graduate level courses within the department, we would do small group activities in which we needed to have at least one wellness, one gerontology, and one counseling student per group. Activities and discussion tended to be interesting and caused me to think outside my "wellness box". I liked the suggestions and am going to consider providing students with anonymous examples of past student's work and explain the "Do's and Don'ts". I also liked the suggestion of providing students with past tests as a review guide. I plan on doing this because if the students do not have a strong understand of the way I test, this could cause a great of anxiety a poor outcome.

Online Lessons - I liked this section in the book due to the fact that I have taught an online course in the past and plan on teaching an occasional online course in the future. Online courses can be a nice option for many students, but can be more of a challenge for certain students. As the book mentioned, some students can have a difficult time meeting commitments, managing time, and keeping students motivated. Tips that I found useful and plan to incorporate in my own teaching include:
Be sure students understand how to use the technology. For example, instructors use BlackBoard differently, and it is important to be sure that students know how to use BlackBoard and what is expected in the course. Do students know how to assess the discussion board, add to the discussion board. Before using the technology offered by the university I am teaching at, I need to be sure students know how to use the features and at the minimum I need to be sure to give good instructions/directions on use.
Time Management - Many students have difficulty with this while taking an online class. I plan on spacing out my assignments so students do not wait until the end to complete large assignments (which could mean feeling overwhelmed and not doing well).
Providing feedback - I need to keep in mind how important it is to provide feedback to students related to assignments and online discussions. This can help students stay motivated and decrease possible anxiety of the students due to uncertainty. An excellent online source on developing an online course is from the University of Michigan. The site describes various tips such as evaluating and designing an online course, delivery, and technology is listed. The site is:

Making Ethical Choices - I wanted to list the following reminders so when I go back to my blog, these can be refreshed in my mind.
Autonomy - Am I acting in ways that respect freedom and treat others as autonomous?
Nonmalfeasance - Am I causing harm through either commission or omission?
Beneficence - Do my actions benefit the other person rather than myself?
Justice - Do I treat those for whom I am responsible equitably?
Fidelity - Do I uphold my part of any relationship?
Acting consciously - What are the assumptions on which I base my actions, and are they